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Picture for the product 1940 - KolXPD - 1-year licence
In stock
137,87 $ (166,82 $ incl. VAT)

1-year license of KolXPD with full functionality.

One license is for one computer only.

Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10

After 1 year this license will expire and KolXPD will continue working in viewer mode until a new license is purchased and activated

Picture for the product 1938 - KolXPD - academic licence
In stock
417,90 $ (505,66 $ incl. VAT)

Full version of KolXPD. One license is for one computer.

Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10

Ulimited time of use

Digital license, email delivery. 

For KolXPD download and more info please refer to https://www.kolibrik.net/en/kolxpd

Picture for the product 1939 - KolXPD - satellite licence
In stock
94,78 $ (114,69 $ incl. VAT)

For each one perpetual license can be bought only one satellite license. Satellite license can be used at home or personal computer of the owner of the perpetual license. Both licenses must have same owner. Satellite license can be bougth with perpetual license or later.

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Kolibrik.net, s.r.o.
Smetanova 1169/34
591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou
Czech Republic

IČ / Company ID: 05897408
DIČ / VAT number: CZ05897408





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