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Potentiostat PTC-05100EW

Potentiostat PTC-05100EW
Picture for the product 1954 - Potentiostat PTC-05100EW
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Picture for the product 1954 - Potentiostat PTC-05100EW
Picture for the product 1954 - Potentiostat PTC-05100EW
Picture for the product 1954 - Potentiostat PTC-05100EW
Picture for the product 1954 - Potentiostat PTC-05100EW

High-power H2FC potentiostat

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  • Potentiostat/Galvanostat ±5 V, ±100 A
  • 4 current ranges 500 mA, 5 A, 20 A, 100 A
  • Impedance spectroscopy 1 mHz .. 100 kHz
  • Water cooling
  • Software with external control via TCP/IP, LabView drivers on request 

Potentiostat PTC-05100EW

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Kolibrik.net, s.r.o.
Smetanova 1169/34
591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou
Czech Republic

IČ / Company ID: 05897408
DIČ / VAT number: CZ05897408





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